Beginner Series: Legs

Welcome to the Gym: Week 1 Workout Guide


Try any or all of the following exercises in any order. Some will require machines or equipment. Ask a trainer or staff member of your gym to clarify anything you don’t understand as everything written is mostly common language in the gym environment. 

Reverse Alternating Lunge In-Place

Try 2-3 Sets of 10 Reps

·       Stand upright, with your hands at your hips.

·       Take a large step backward with your left foot.

·       Lower your hips so that your right thigh (front leg) becomes parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle. Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with your left heel lifted.

·       Return to standing by pressing your right heel into the floor and bringing your left leg forward to complete one rep.

·       Alternate legs, and step back with right leg.

·       If able to perform with just body weight, attempt lunge while holding a 5-10 lb. dumbbell in each hand.

Also try this same method lunging forwards!


Try 3 Sets of 10-12 Reps

·       Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, hips stacked over knees and knees over ankles.

·       Roll shoulders back and down away from ears. Allowing your back to round (like a turtle’s shell) will cause unnecessary stress on your lower back. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.

·       Extend arms out straight in front of you, parallel to the floor, palms facing down (like your hands are on someone’s shoulders at a seventh grade dance). Or, if it’s more comfortable, pull elbows close to body, with palms facing each other and thumbs pointing up.

·       Initiate the movement by inhaling and unlocking your hips, bringing them back slightly. Keep sending hips backward as knees bend.

·       While your butt starts to stick out, make sure chest and shoulders stay upright and back stays straight. Keep your head facing forward with eyes straight ahead for a neutral spine.

·       The best squats are the deepest ones your mobility allows. Optimal squat depth would be your hips sinking below your knees (if you have the flexibility to do so comfortably).

·       Engage your core. With body weight in heels, explode back up to standing, driving through heels. Imagine your feet are spreading the floor (left foot to the left, right foot to the right) without actually moving them.

·       If you feel comfortable and confident in your form and ability using body weight, attempt while holding a kettle bell to your chest. Ultimately, we want to progress into a barbell squat.

Leg (Quad) Extension Machine

Try 2-3 Sets of 10-12 Reps

·       Sit up straight on the leg extension machine – imagine you have a seat belt pulling your waist into the seat.

·       Adjust the pad so it sits on top of your shins just above your feet, which should be pointing forward.

·       Grip side handles for stability.

·       Ensuring that you are using your quads to power the movement, rather than kicking up with your feet, extend your legs straight out in front of you.

·       Slowly lower them back to the starting position.

Lying Leg (Hamstring) Curl Machine

Try 2-3 Sets of 10-12 Reps

·       Start by lying face down on the hamstring curl machine. The pad of the machine should be on the back of your legs at the bottom of your calves.

·       Keeping your body flat on the bench, lightly grasp the handles near the front to stabilize your upper body. Bend your knees to bring your heels toward your glutes stopping once your knees have reached a 90 degree angle. Hold for one second.

·       Slowly lower down for three seconds.

(Alternative) Seated Leg (Hamstring) Curl Machine

Try 2-3 Sets of 10-12 Reps

·       Set up the machine so that the pads sit comfortably against your lower back when you sit on it.

·       Put your legs on the padded lever so it sits just below your calf muscles and set up the lap pad so it sits on your thighs just above the knees.

·       Lift your legs so they are straight out in front of you and grasp the side handles on the machine.

·       Pull the padded lever down and back towards you as far as you can with your legs, hold for a second, then slowly bring it back to the starting position.

Calf Press

Try 3 Sets of 12-15

·       Stand on the edge of a step 3-5 inches tall.

·       Stand tall with your abdominals pulled in, the balls of your feet firmly planted on the step, and your heels hanging over the edge.

·       Raise your heels a few inches above the edge of the step so that you’re on your tiptoes.

·       Raise your heels a few inches above the edge of the step so that you’re on your tiptoes.

Take a Rest!

Hopefully you have been able to complete most or all of the exercises in this guide. Use this as many times as you wish but you will likely want to explore more variations and methods to reach your goals. Make sure to cycle through the other “Beginner Series” blogs for more exercise and nutrition info!

Once you feel more comfortable lifting in the gym and need a little more, check out the E-Book Store for comprehensive workout guides and plans.

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